


蒋淑兰四川邻水人,教授,硕士/博士生导师,地大学者青年拔尖人才,中国机械工程学会和微米纳米技术学会高级会员。1988年生,2011年获西南大学工学学士学位,2015年获华中科技大学工学博士学位。2015年至2020年在西南交通大学工作,2018年至2019年在美国常春藤盟校哥伦比亚大学从事博士后研究。2020年调入中国地质大学(武汉)best365体育中文版-主页入口。近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上青年项目各1项;主持其他省部级横向GF横向科研项目项。在Sensors and Actuators B: ChemicalAnalytical ChemistryJournal of Power SourcesScience AdvancesNanoscale等期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文20篇,已授权发明专利7项,研究成果被谷歌学术引用1000余次。担任Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering等期刊审稿人和教育部学位中心论文评审专家。

联系方式:jiangshulan@cug.edu.cn 办公室:教二楼319


2020.09-至今 中国地质大学,best365体育中文版-主页入口,特任教授

2018.11-2019.11 哥伦比亚大学,机械工程系,博士后

2015.07-2020.09  西南交通大学,机械工程学院,讲师/副研究员

2011.09-2015.06 华中科技大学,机械电子工程,工学博士

2007.09-2011.07  西南大学,机械设计制造及其自动化,工学学士




















[1] S Jiang*, L Xia. Bioinspired High-Performance Bilayer, pH-Responsive Hydrogel with Superior Adhesive Property. Polymers, 2022, 14 (20), 4425.

[2] C Song, Z Chen, X Zheng, S Yang, X Duan, Y Jiang, X Tu, J Gan, S Jiang*. Growth characteristic analysis of haematococcus pluvialis in a microfluidic chip using digital in-Line Holographic Flow Cytometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94 (15), 5769-5775.

[3] Shulan Jiang*, Qian Chen, Jianbin Lin, Guanglan Liao, Tielin Shi, Linmao Qian. Thermal stress-induced fabrication of carbon micro/nanostructures and the application in high-performance enzyme-free glucose sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 345, 2021, 130364.

[4] Shulan Jiang*, Yong Tan, Yong Peng, Jiang Zhao. Tunable Optical Diffusers Based on the UV/Ozone-assisted self-wrinkling of thermal-cured polymer films. Sensors 2021, 21(17), 5820.

[5] Yong Peng, Shulan Jiang*, Li Xia, Xiaolin Yin, Bingjun Yu, Linmao Qian. Direct ink writing combined with metal-assisted chemical etching of microchannels for the microfluidic system applications, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 315 (2020) 112320.

[6] Yong Peng, Fangshang Zhong, Linmao Qian, Shulan Jiang*. Effects of ultraviolet/ozone irradiation on glassy-like carbon film for the bioMEMS applications. Applied Surface Science, 533 (2020) 147443.

[7] Shulan Jiang*, Feng Wang, Xianhua Tan, Jianbin Lin, Guanglan Liao, Zirong Tang, Tielin Shi, Linmao Qian. Fabrication of MnO2/carbon micro/nanostructures based on Carbon-MEMS technique on stainless steel substrate for supercapacitive microelectrodes. Electrochimica Acta 303 (2019) 323-328.

[8] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Xiaobin Zhan, Hu Long, Shuang Xi, Hao Hu, and Zirong Tang*. High-performance all-solid-state flexible supercapacitors based on two-step activated carbon cloth. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 272: 16-23.

[9] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Dan Liu, Hu Long, Shuang Xi, Fengshun Wu, Xiaoping Li, Qi Xia and Zirong Tang*. Integration of MnO2 thin film and carbon nanotubes to three-dimensional carbon microelectrodes for electrochemical microcapacitors. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 262: 494-500.

[10] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Hu Long, Yongming Sun, Wei Zhou and Zirong Tang*. High-performance binder-free supercapacitor electrode by direct growth of cobalt-manganese composite oxide nanostructures on nickel foam, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2014, 9:492.

[11] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Xiaobin Zhan, Shuang Xi, Hu Long, Bo Gong, Junjie Li, Siyi Cheng, Yuanyuan Huang and Zirong Tang*. Scalable fabrication of carbon-based MEMS/NEMS and their applications: a review. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2015, 25: 113001.

[12] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Yang Gao, Hu Long, Shuang Xi and Zirong Tang*. Fabrication of 3D micro/nano dual–scale carbon array and its demonstration as microelectrodes in supercapacitors. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2014, 24: 045001.

[13] Shulan Jiang, Tielin Shi, Xiaobin Zhan, Yuanyuan Huang, Zirong Tang*. Superior electrochemical performance of carbon cloth electrode-based supercapacitors through surface activation and nitrogen doping. Ionics, 2016, 22:1881-1890.

[14] Shulan Jiang*, Siyi Cheng, Yuanyuan Huang, Tielin Shi, Zirong Tang. High performance wire-shaped supercapacitive electrodes based onactivated carbon fibers core/manganese dioxide shell structures. Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 7916-7921.

[15] Yong Peng, Shulan Jiang*, Yong Tan, Hongbo Wang, Lei Wu, Linmao Qian. The formation mechanism of nondefective silicon micropatterns fabricated by scratching assisted electrochemical etching. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 82019P464-P471.

[16] Shulan Jiang*, Tielin Shi, Zirong Tang, Shuang Xi. Cost-Effective Fabrication of Inner-Porous Micro/Nano Carbon Structures. Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 2018, 18: 2089-2095.

[17] Feng Wang, Shulan Jiang*, Jinghui Han, Guangran Guo, Bingjun Yu, Weiqing Yang, Linmao Qian. Facile and low-cost fabrication of uniform silicon micro/nanostructures by nanopitting-assisted wet chemical etching. Micro& Nano Letters, 2018. pp. 1–6, doi: 10.1049/mnl.2018.0185.

[18] Shulan Jiang, Feng Wang, Hongbo Wang, Linmao Qian. Friction-induced fabrication of flexible supercapacitive microelectrodes. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1052,conference 1.

[19] Shaolei Wang, Chengxin Zhang, Yu Shu, Shulan Jiang, Qi Xia, Linjiang Chen, Shangbin Jin, Irshad Hussain, Andrew I Cooper, Bien Tan*. Layered microporous polymers by solvent knitting method, Science advances2017, 3 (3), e1602610.

[20] Hu Long, Tielin Shi, Shulan Jiang, Shuang Xi, Rong Chen, Shiyuan Liu, Guanglan Liao and Zirong Tang*. Synthesis of a nanowire self-assembled hierarchical ZnCo2O4 shell/Ni current collector core as binder-free anodes for high-performance Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2: 3741-3748.

[21] Hongbo Wang, Shulan Jiang, Lei Zhang, Bingjun Yu, Duoli Chen, Weiqing Yang* and Linmao Qian*. High-performance optical projection controllable ZnO nanorod arrays microweighing sensor, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 4727.


[1] 蒋淑兰彭勇钱林茂夏莉,一种新型多功能预应力柔性气动机器人及其加工方法,ZL.202010151190.2

[2] 蒋淑兰任晔炜钱林茂彭勇夏莉尹晓麟一种柔性主动式微混合器件集成系统及制备方法202010299928.X

[3] 蒋淑兰,余丙军,钱林茂,韩京辉,钟方尚,王丰,一种制备硅微纳分级结构的新方法,ZL. 201611160207.0

[4] 蒋淑兰王丰钱林茂武韩强余丙军,基于机械刻划与金属催化刻蚀的硅微/纳结构制备方法, 201710450186.4

[5] 蒋淑兰余丙军钱林茂王丰,一种具有内孔的碳基微纳分级结构阵列及其制备方法, 201611006293.X

[6] 蒋淑兰钱林茂彭勇余丙军,基于电化学摩擦诱导的微纳加工方法, 201811054774.7

[7] 雷宇,蒋淑兰,一种转动式摩擦发电机,201910822529.4

[8] 汤自荣,蒋淑兰,史铁林,夏奇,高阳,龙胡,习爽,一种三维跨尺度碳电极阵列结构及其制备方法 ZL201310617991.3

[9] 汤自荣,蒋淑兰,史铁林,夏奇,高阳,郑辉,一种集成加热部件的微型气敏传感器的制作工艺 ZL201310403030.2

[10] 钱林茂汪红波蒋淑兰李斌余丙军陈磊,基于微悬臂投影的光电式气敏传感器, ZL. 201610392191.X

[11] 钱林茂汪红波蒋淑兰李斌余丙军陈磊,基于微悬臂投影的光电式加速度传感器, ZL. 201610382181.8